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Walnut cookies

ketogenic diet - walnut cookies

Walnut cookies

Chocolate (without sugar), margarine, walnuts.


First one needs to melt about 100 grams of chocolaate in a water bath. To this, 40 grams of margarine and 50 grams of chopped walnuts should be added. This is mixed thoroughly and poured in a shallow mold. After it cools down, one can easily form cookies of the desired shape by using a knife.


Nutritional information (per 100 grams):

Chocolate (without sugar) - kcal 312 - carbohydrates 0 - protein 14 - fat 28
Margarine - kcal 720 - carbohydrates 0 - protein 0 - fat 81
Walnut - kcal 654 - carbohydrates 13 - protein 15 - fat 65

Total carbs (per 100 grams of the described meal): ~7 grams


1. Meals based on meat

2. Meals based on fish

3. Meals based on eggs

4. Meals based on cheese

5. Vegetables

6. Sweets
  6.1 Cream from eggs
  6.2 Cocoa cream from eggs
  6.3 Sugar free lemonade
  6.4 Hot chocolate
  6.5 Walnut cookies

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