Walnut cookies

Walnut cookies
Chocolate (without sugar), margarine, walnuts.
First one needs to melt about 100 grams of chocolaate in a water bath. To this, 40 grams of margarine and 50 grams of chopped walnuts should be added. This is mixed thoroughly and poured in a shallow mold. After it cools down, one can easily form cookies of the desired shape by using a knife.
Nutritional information (per 100 grams):
Chocolate (without sugar) - kcal 312 - carbohydrates 0 - protein 14 - fat 28
Margarine - kcal 720 - carbohydrates 0 - protein 0 - fat 81
Walnut - kcal 654 - carbohydrates 13 - protein 15 - fat 65
Total carbs (per 100 grams of the described meal): ~7 grams